BITSPER S.R.L., ID 696575

City: 41000 Oradea,
Country:RO - Romania
Address: str. george emil palade nr. 156
Category: Spedition company
Date/ Time of registration: 29 Nov 2011
Telephone : 40-736-39****
Telephone 2: ****
Fax : 40-269-24****
WEB site: www.bitsper.ro
Search results found in freight exchange: 0

Search results found in freight exchange:   0

Keywords: BITSPER S.R.L., Spedition companies, Spedition companies in 41000 Oradea, Spedition companies in  , Spedition companies in Romania, Spedition companies in Balkans, Spedition companies in Eastern Europe, Spedition companies in Europen Union(EU), Spedition companies in Europe, transport and logistics companies in 41000 Oradea, transport and logistics companies in  , transport and logistics companies in Romania, transport and logistics companies in Balkans, transport and logistics companies in Eastern Europe, transport and logistics companies in Europen Union(EU), transport and logistics companies in Europe

SPEDITION COMPANIES - 41000 Oradea, , Romania

Category: Spedition company
City: Oradea,
Country:RO - Romania

Category: Spedition company
City: Oradea,
Country:RO - Romania

Category: Spedition company
City: 410364 Oradea,
Country:RO - Romania

Category: Spedition company
City: Oradea,
Country:RO - Romania


Category: Transport company
City: Dobrich,
Country:BG - Bulgaria

Category: Transport/Spedition company
City: 1407 Sofia,
Country:BG - Bulgaria

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